kenza ait lounis

Intern at Data Scientist developer


Experimental Sciences and specialization in Energy Environment


My connection with the sea and the ocean is quite normal for the average person; I love the beach, have sometimes taken the ferry from Marseille to Algiers, and sailed for three days in middle school. However, it hasn’t stopped me from embarking on a challenging adventure with Amphitrite for my first internship.

During my Bachelor in Experimental Sciences at Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), I had the time to discuss water-related issues. Studying today for a Master’s degree in Energy Environment: Science Technology & Management (STEEM) at École Polytechnique, I’m keen to feel fully useful – what better way to start than by getting involved in a startup! Indeed, it’s through collective effort that we’ll find and implement the best solutions for our environment. 


Illustration de la mer et des bateaux