Machine Learning Researcher


Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Maths, Code


I have always wanted to build an international career. After finishing my studies in Russia, I came to France to proceed with a Master’s degree in Machine Learning. My greatest passion was and remains Computer Vision and its applications to real-world problems. I discovered Amphitrite when I was looking for my end-of-studies internship and was fascinated about solving computer vision problems using satellite images and applying my knowledge for oceanography problems and shipping decarbonization. I was among the fist to join the company in the beginning of 2022 and was there at the start to develop the core ML projects of the company.


Selected publications

  • Evangelos Moschos, Alisa Kugusheva, Paul Coste, Alexandre Stegner “Computer Vision for Ocean Eddy Detection in Infrared Imagery”, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023, pp. 6395-6404”
Illustration de la mer et des bateaux